On July 1, 2013, Elena returned as guest to WGBH Boston Public Radio. She talked to Margery and Peter about the odd tradition of playing a distinctly Russian song for the US's Independence Day. And - she also sang a few phrases from a beloved soprano aria!

On March 22, 2013, Elena gave another interview on Boston Public Radio. Elena lead a fascinating discussion surrounding voice, healthy singing and her life as a classical crossover singer and voice coach. She even shared a couple of voice tips with the audience, so be sure to check her interview out on the Boston Public Radio web-site.

On Thursday, April 19, 2012, Elena returned as a guest to a popular WGBH radio show, The Callie Crossley Show. Elena's interview, called by forever entertaining and inspiring Callie "The Voice of a Red Sox Nation", was about the screaming Red Sox fans. Elena also shared some stories about her educating the fighting couples how to better yell at their respective spouses, and, finally, she talked a bit about her role in a new Brad Pitt movie.

On June 13th, 2011 Elena and her FitVoice™ were featured on NPR's prestigious All Things Considered radio show. Elena talked with host Sacha Pfeiffer about her safe-screaming tips, as well as her findings that men tend to be tougher on their vocal cords than women and that fans of different types of sports use their vocal cords to different extremes.

June 13th, 2011 Elena and her FitVoice™ were featured in the Boston Globe. During a Stanley Cup Finals Scream Off, Elena taught Bruins fans how to cheer properly and to ensure that their voices reached the ice.

June 13th, 2011 Elena and her FitVoice™ were seen on Channel 7 News. During a Stanley Cup Finals Scream Off, Elena taught Bruins fans that proper breath support and prolonged vowels are the key to proper screaming.

June 13th, 2011 Elena and her FitVoice™ were featured in the Boston Herald. During a Stanley Cup Finals Scream Off, Elena taught Bruins fans that improper screaming can lead to nodules and polyps on their vocal folds.

April 19th, 2011 Elena and her FitVoice™ were featured on Oprah Radio. In honor of World Voice Day, Oprah Radio host Derrick Ashong and Elena discuss what Americans can do to save their voices.
Skip to 23:44 to hear Elena's segment.

March 10, 2011 Elena and her FitVoice™ were featured in an ABC News article entitled "Two-Thirds of Americans Live With Voice Disorders."
Elena points out the bad vocal habits among Americans.

August 16, 2010 Elena was a special guest on the Callie Crossley Show on WGBH radio.
Elena and Callie discussed the three key S's of voice: speaking, screaming and singing - all in a healthy manner. Elena analyzed and pointed out the flaws in the voices of celebrities, and even in Callie’s voice!