Her personality is as loud as her voice, her expectations high and unwavering, and when she wants to make a point, she
puts American niceties aside.
(Boston Phoenix)
Born in Russia, Elena Zoubareva, Opera Singer and “Boston’s Own Voice Expert," is known for her unusually beautiful tone that “opens up on top like a rose" (Vechernyaya Moskva), her charismatic performing style, and her unparalleled voice knowledge.
In 2011 Elena’s recording of Ennio Morricone’s song C’era una volta il West (Once upon a Time in the West) debuted at number one and remained at the top of the bestseller list for 2 months in Opera and Holiday Classical Categories on CDBaby, world largest distributor of independent music.
In 2011 Elena was also cast in a highly anticipated Brad Pitt-starred Hollywood blockbuster, World War Z, produced by Paramount Pictures. Elena is playing a mysterious Russian opera singer who appears during a crucial battle scene and sings an inspiring aria.
In 2010 Elena, encouraged by Harvard ENT Dr. Phillip Song and speech language pathologist Keiko Ishikawa of Harvard/Mass Eye and Ear, created her own method called FitVoice ™ designed to teach American people about vocal health and best usage of their speaking voices, even teaching Red Sox and Bruins fans how to cheer correctly and analyzing the speaking voices of TV personalities, politicians and celebrities.
Shortly after FitVoice ™ hit the press, a noted TV and radio personality Callie Crossley of WGBH said that Elena “just might be up to save the voice of America."
Elena has performed in concert halls throughout Europe and the Unites States, including her enchanting performances at the Moscow Army Theater, one of the largest theatrical venues in Europe, the famous Russian Theater Academy, the JFK Library, Berklee College of Music, the Boston Conservatory, the New England Conservatory, and trendy art houses.
Elena’s most recent CD, Allure, was produced in 2009 by Grammy nominee Jonathan Wyner and is a testament to the beauty and theatrical abilities of her voice. Allure is one of the top-sellers on CDbaby.
Born in Russia and educated at Moscow University and Ippolitov-Ivanov Musical College, in 1999 Elena was invited to come to the United States and continue her voice studies at Berklee College of Music in Boston, MA, one of the most famous music schools in the world.
Despite an extremely competitive admission (Berklee holds a 28 % acceptance rate), Elena was awarded a scholarship and in 2003 graduated with Artist Diploma cum laude.
As an artist, Elena is dedicated to making the beauty and joy of fine music accessible to as large and diverse an audience as possible. “I wish", says Elena, “with all my heart for great music to soar on its golden wings, so that more and more people would find in it a source of beauty and emotional support."